After the Seminar Harri, Orri, Ar, laSIA just published 10 magazine series about that experience and the work that the group has been developing over the past months in the context of the project Experimentation of formats for practice-based artistic research.
The book launch will be in Rekalde Aretoa on March 16th at 18:00.

Harri, Orri, Ar Seminar books
José Ramón Ais / Damaris Pan, Strychnos ignatii
Mireia c. Saladrigues, Into Sugar We Could Have Turned.
Laura Gibellini / Veva Linaza, Madrid - Bilbao. Otoño 2021
Remco Roes / Usoa Fullaondo / Koenraad Claes, Villa Empain meets Place de Jeu de Balle. An Exercise in Transcoding Structural Ornamentation
Albert Corbí, Sistema modular
Sara Ayesa, Maite Choya, Alba Cuesta, Nora Goyalde, Amaia Ibarbia, Victor Ortuño, Marcos Rico, Itxaso Urrutikoetxea, Cuadrado gana
Clara Montoya, 32
Arantxa Echarte, Thinking Art Thinking. Investigación divergente
Malakate Seminar books
Julen Agirre, Veva Linaza, Unai Requejo, Rita Sixto, Malakate, puerta de la Academia / Cuaderno Radial