Harri, Orri, Ar. Experimenting with formats for practice-based artistic research seminar begins.
In the Sala Rekalde, on Wednesday, January 20 at 18:00 p.m.
We will have the presence of Ana Arnaiz, Aimar Arriola and Iñaki Imaz, who will share their experience as art professionals, from different approaches and contexts: the university, the curator, the practice of art. It will be a first sharing of the state of current artistic research.
ANA ARNAIZ is currently Professor of the Sculpture Department, of the INCREA Master [both UPV / EHU] and the Master in Art and Visual Culture of the IENBA [UDELAR-Montevideo] and PI of the IT1096 Consolidated Research Group [Basque Government]. Since the genesis of the current CRG in 1994, she has developed projects that understand art research from a structural notion that links Art / City / Public Sphere with its becoming Landscape / Identity / Culture, basing its ideology in the specific knowledge of Art (Sculpture).
AIMAR ARRIOLA (Markina-Xemein, 1976) works in art as a curator, editor and researcher. He holds a PhD from the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London. Between 2016 and 2020 he has organized exhibitions and public programs, both his own and commissioned, at MACBA, Barcelona; The Showroom, London; Centro Centro, Madrid; Bilbao Fine Arts Museum; Tabakalera, Donostia; among others. He is currently a member of the Technical Commission of the Eremuak program (Department of Culture of the Basque Government) and an Associate Researcher of AZ Alhóndiga Bilbao.
IÑAKI IMAZ URRUTIKOETXEA A Fine Arts graduate (1988) and a doctor in painting by UPV/EHU (2014). He has made a number of solo and group exhibitions and has two research sections recognized. His artistic and researching activity is focused on painting and his teaching, and is extended into artistic education in general. He has taken part in diverse initiatives as organizer and speaker, such as art workshops, seminars, courses, etc. Between 2017 and 2019 he has been a member of the technical commission of Eremuak.