TWO SMALL COAGULES (maybe two provocations as a start)
1. An artist, with a child's face, looking for a place for himself.

2. A poet or a mere lord who composes verses.

"Every poet," says Juan de Mairena, "assumes a metaphysics; perhaps each poem should have its own implicit one, of course it is never explicit, and the poet has the duty to expose it, separately, in clear concepts. The possibility of doing so distinguishes the true poet from the mere lord who composes verses. (Los Siete Reversos, p. 192)

Antonio Machado, Poesías CompletasEspasa-Calpe, p. 197


The subject's place
Barthes, Roland, (1986) “En el seminario”, Lo obvio y lo obtuso. Imágenes, gestos, voces. Barcelona, Paidós (pp. 337-347)
Groys, Boris, (2014) “Introducción: poética vs. estética”, Volverse público. Buenos Aires, Caja Negra (pp. 9-19)
Haraway, Donna J., (1995) “Conocimientos situados: la cuestión científica en el feminismo y el privilegio de la perspectiva parcial”, Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza. Madrid, Cátedra (pp. 313-346)

in practice-based artistic research
Borgdorff, Henk (2010), “El debate sobre la investigación en las artesCairon 13, Universidad de Alcalá
Martínez, Chus (2012), “Cómo un renacuajo se convierte en sapo. Estética tardía, política y materia animada: hacia una teoría de la investigación artística”.
Wesseling, J., (2011) “Introduction”, See it Again, Say it Again: The Artist as Researcher. Amsterdam, Valiz

memory: the state of the question and the place of the subject